Helping our Youngest to Know Jesus
Discipleship starts at birth. So, our preschool and nursery ministry is not a glorified childcare service—it’s an opportunity for them to get to know Christ.
When We Meet
Our preschool kids meet on Sundays from 9:30 AM to 10:20 AM. They join the whole church for corporate worship at 10:30 AM. We believe the whole family should be together in corporate worship. It is not only what they are taught in the corporate worship that matters, but also what is “caught” in seeing the worship of God by His people.
Our nursery is for newborns up through toddlers. The nursery is open on Sundays for Sunday School, morning worship, and afternoon worship. And it’s open on Wednesdays from 7:00 PM-8:00 PM.
How We Aim To Point Kids To Jesus
First, our preschoolers are taught the Bible. They are taught the Bible through the Answers in Genesis Bible Curriculum. We read Scripture to newborns, toddlers, & everyone between.
Second, our preschoolers are encouraged to memorize God’s Word. As soon as kids are old enough to talk, we start helping them hide God’s Word in their hearts. We’re both amazed and challenged by what they can learn.
Third, we lead our children in singing songs. God requires us to sing because He’s worth singing about! So, we help our youngest learn God-centered children’s songs, hymns, and worship songs.
Lastly, we have a time of God-centered crafts. Our preschool children will engage in coloring, crafts, games, and more that are aimed at helping them understand the truths of God’s Word.